CONTENTS: GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY SYSTEMS INC. SIR (Subsurface Interface Radar) SYSTEMS SIR SYSTEM 2 SIR SYSTEM APPLICATIONS SIR SYSTEM DETECTION CAPABILITIES GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) CONCEPT HOW A SIR SYSTEM WORKS GPR RECEIVED SIGNAL AND GRAPHIC PROFILE DISPLAY ANATOMY OF RADAR RECORD FOUR TYPES OF DATA DISPLAYS EFFECT OF ELEVATION CHANGES ON GPR DATA TWO ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF IMPORTANCE TO GPR WORK ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY Conductivity of unsaturated soils and sediments Conductivity variation as a function of porosity in sediments Effect of water content on electrical conductivity General divisions of materials by electrical conductivity APPROXIMATE VALUES OF S AND Er FOR VARIETY OF MATERIALS GPR PENETRATION RELATIVE DIELECTRIC PERMITTIVITY Dielectric constant of unsaturated soils and sediments Dielectric constant variation as a function of porosity in sediments Effect of water content on dielectric constant Dielectric constants of some common materials REFLECTION STRENGTH Predicted reflection sterngths Reflection coefficients for a simple two-layer case CONDUCTING A SURVEY Target characteristics Survey design GPR survey configurations Two factors influencing antenna selection GPR ANTENNA CHARACTERISTICS DEFINITIONS Spectrum for 120 MHz antenna Radiation pattern for GSSI antennas Measured radiation pattern for GSSI 500 MHz antenna GPR DEPTH OF INVESTIGATION Normal investigation depths of GSSI antennas Best GSSI antennas to use for a given depth range of investigation Example depths of GPR in some soils and rocks Variation of the depth of investigation with antenna frequency ESTIMATED VERTICAL RESOLUTION Minimum thickness layer that can be resolved Detecting buried objects HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION First fresnel zone radius SIR SYSTEM SETUP SIR modes of operation Seting the initial range Range differences Understanding Sample/Scan Understanding Scans/Second Setting Scans/Second when using the survey wheel Determining your maximum velocity Setting the gains Choosing the color scale and color transform Color transform SIR FILTERS Vertical high pass filter Vertical low pass filter Horizontal background removal filter ESTIMATING DEPTHS FROM GPR DATA Estimating velocity from the dielectric constant Approximate electromagnetic properties of various materials Locating object of cnown depth Hyperbola estimation method Simple CDP SURVEY TIPS MORE SURVEY TIPS CONDITIONS NECESSARY FOR GOOD GPR SURVEY RESULTS |